
L’Italia sale nella classifica delle nazioni orientate all’uso e sviluppo dei veicoli a guida autonoma

Su Facebook, la sindaca di Torino Chiara Appendino commenta il report di Kpmg Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index (AVRI):  “Per la prima volta l’Italia è all’interno dell’Autonomous mobility Index, un ranking internazionale su quanto i Paesi si stanno preparando alla guida autonoma e determinante a questo risultato sono le sperimentazioni sulla guida autonoma che hanno avuto luogo a Torino. C’è ancora molto da fare, è vero ma abbiamo iniziato a farlo. Concretamente. E riconoscimenti a livello internazionale sono un ottimo segnale.Di un ranking si può sicuramente essere felici ma deve avere una ricaduta concreta per i cittadini, altrimenti è mera vanità.

Le scelte sull’innovazione si collocano in una più ampia visione politica per Torino che vede tornare l’industria come motore principe dell’economia del territorio. Un’industria che però guarda al futuro, al passo con i tempi e pronta a rispondere alle esigenze dei cittadini e dell’ambiente. Da quando abbiamo intrapreso questa linea  l’attenzione verso Torino da parte di aziende dell’innovazione e’ cresciuta di mese in mese. Abbiamo visto nuovi insediamenti, nuovi investimenti, nuovi poli di sviluppo, nuovi posti di lavoro. C’è ancora molto da fare, ma abbiamo iniziato a farlo”.

La descrizione dell’Italia all’interno di Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index (AVRI)

Italy, a new entrant to this edition of the AVRI, does well on AV-focused measures, reflecting the transport ministry’s work in this area such as February 2018’s Smart Roads decree, authorizing AV testing as long as vehicles have controls and an operator able to take control if required. It also created an Observatory for Smart Roads to monitor all experiments in Italy and examine those in other countries to develop best practice. The country is also developing digital connectivity to support AVs, focusing on V2X (vehicle to everything) connections where vehicles communicate with other vehicles and infrastructure. Anas, the state-owned company that manages Italy’s major roads, plans to spend EUR140 million (US$160 million) on connected vehicle technology for around 2,500km (1,550 miles) of its network, with specific work on roads including Rome’s Grande Raccordo Anulare orbital motorway. This is despite Italy’s government gaining the lowest score for its future orientation from the World Economic Forum, a measure which assesses policy stability, responsiveness to change, adaptability of legal framework to change and the government’s long-term vision. Following the Smart Roads decree, Italy’s first and so far only tests started in 2019 in Parma and Turin. Both are run by VisLab, an autonomous driving company spun off from the University of Parma in 2009 and acquired by US semiconductor company Ambarella in 2015.106 In February 2020, Parma City Council allowed the trials to take place throughout its area. Turin is also hosting a trial of an AV minibus service run by US company Local Motors using Olli, an EV made entirely from 3D printed parts. In Padua, Italian company Next is testing modular AV minibuses which can dock or split up and take different routes depending on the destinations requested by passengers. Ivan Cavalli, Manager, Transportation Sector, KPMG in Italy, says that the country benefits from all these, but that there are problems to solve including the high cost of AV technologies for consumers and local public transport providers, with the latter having a record of low investment in their vehicle fleets. The country also lacks national high-definition mapping, and there are questions over liability in the case of accidents involving AVs; the national trade association has published work on this, but so far no products are on offer. Many drivers already use ‘black box’ monitors in their cars for insurance, which could be used for AV policies. As well as tackling these issues, Cavalli says Italy needs to promote collaboration between organizations working on AVs, such as to stimulate research by pooling expertise in Italian universities and to establish effective V2X communication. “It’s important that providers work together to define common technology that enables all vehicles to communicate with all the other objects they could meet on the road,” he says.

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