Massa Critica

Richard Stallman si dimette da MIT e Free Software Foundation

Richard Stallman il guru del software libero si è dimesso da CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) del MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) e dai ruoli ricoperti all’interno della Free Software Foundation,  da lui fondata nel 1985.

La decisione è stata presa in seguito  al clamore suscitato da alcuni commenti legati alle vittime di Jeffrey Epstein, l’imprenditore statunitense condannato per abusi sessuali, morto suicida il 10 agosto nella sua cella a Manathan.

Alcune testate hanno pubblicato email scritte da Stallman e spedite a membri del MIT, in cui le vittime di Epstein vengono descritte come “consenzienti” e in cui viene messo in discussione l’utilizzo dei termini “abuso sessuale” e “stupro” per il caso che ha visto Virginia Giuffre coinvolta in un rapporto con Marvin Minsky, uno dei pionieri dell’intelligenza artificiale.

Il breve comunicato di Stallman sulle sue dimissioni dal MIT

To the MIT community,
I am resigning effective immediately from my position in CSAIL at MIT.
I am doing this due to pressure on MIT and me over a series of misunderstandings and mischaracterizations.
Richard Stallman

Il breve comunicato di Free Software Foundation

On September 16, 2019, Richard M. Stallman, founder and president of the Free Software Foundation, resigned as president and from its board of directors.
The board will be conducting a search for a new president, beginning immediately. Further details of the search will be published on

La faccenda legata a Jeffrey Epstein aveva anche portato alle dimissioni dal MIT di Joi Ito prima direttore del MIT Media Lab che ha lasciato dopo che un articolo del The New Yorker ha descritto le misure adottate dai funzionari del laboratorio per nascondere il rapporto fra Joi Ito ed Epstein.

To the members of the MIT community,

Last night, The New Yorker published an article that contains deeply disturbing allegations about the engagement between individuals at the Media Lab and Jeffrey Epstein.

Because the accusations in the story are extremely serious, they demand an immediate, thorough and independent investigation. This morning, I asked MIT’s General Counsel to engage a prominent law firm to design and conduct this process. I expect the firm to conduct this review as swiftly as possible, and to report back to me and to the Executive Committee of the MIT Corporation, MIT’s governing board.

This afternoon, Joi Ito submitted his resignation as Director of the Media Lab and as a professor and employee of the Institute.

As I described in my previous letter, the acceptance of the Epstein gifts involved a mistake of judgment. We are actively assessing how best to improve our policies, processes and procedures to fully reflect MIT’s values and prevent such mistakes in the future. Our internal review process continues, and what we learn from it will inform the path ahead.

Mit ha aperto un inchiesta sui rapporti fra Epstein e MIT

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