
Open Innovation Summit 2018 a Torino il 20 e 21 settembre

Si svolge a Torino la seconda edizione di OIS Open Innovation Summit presso Open Incet il 20 e 21 settembre 2018 dopo la prima edizione che si è tenuta a Saint Vincent

OIS intende esplorare i fattori abilitanti (people, policy, technology) delle Entrepreneurial Cities, intese come città in grado di promuovere innovazione, crescita inclusiva e di competere a livello globale. Il programma prevede la presenza di esperti internazionali in grado di offrire una panoramica su quelle che sono le condizioni di sistema e le leve che le città utilizzano per aumentare la loro capacità di promuovere innovazione, crescita inclusiva e competere a livello globale.

Nella mattinata del 20 settembre sarà possibile partecipare al workshop Social innovation for sustainable urban development, organizzato dalla Città di Torino nell’ambito del Pon Metro con rappresentanti di città italiane ed europee, istituzioni UE, organizzazioni e reti internazionali e comunità di innovazione sociale. Un confronto sulle opportunità offerte dalla nuova programmazione di fondi strutturali europei in tema innovazione sociale.

La lingua ufficiale dell’evento è l’inglese. E’ previsto un servizio di traduzione in italiano.


20 September (14:00 – 21:00) + Social event
The opening session will host the key actors behind the event and their welcome to the participants; will introduce the objectives for the event and the agenda for the two days.

14.30 – 16.00: Ecosystems 4.0: companies, society, human capital
The second session will offer a view of what skills and competences will be required by human capital in the future labour market, and how that can support cities in boosting their innovation ecosystems to face international competition.
Chairperson: Giuseppe Ciccarone, FGB
Speakers: Enrica Bosani, I4.0 Program PMO Whirpool EMEA; Jeffrey Brown, Manager Future of Work & Artificial Intelligence Bertelsmann Foundation North America; Gualtiero Fantoni, Full Professor University of Pisa; Fabrizio Porrino, Senior Vicepresident Affair FacilityLive; Giacomo Silvestri, Digital strategy, Innovation & demand management ENI; Isidro Laso, Head of Start Up Europe; Terence Hogarth, Senior Adviser Fondazione G Brodolini

16.00 – 16.30: coffee break
16.30 – 19.00 The City as a Lab
Cities in Europe play a relevant role as “broker of innovation” and the “living lab” approach is seen as successful methodology to enable the creation of “Vibrant” local ecosystems to support innovation and local development in relevant sector such as ICT and the data economy.Seen as a key-factor already within actual NOP Metro 2014-2010 (Axis 1 – Digital Agenda and Axis 3 Social innovation ) the issue is also at stake for the next EU programming period 2021 – 2027.
The session will host two connected panels hosted by the City of Turin. The first panel aims at exploring the “City Lab” model through a discussion involving international organizations, experts and European cities that are experimenting with the model. The second panel will engage actors from Turin’s innovation ecosystem on their potential contribution to the development of the City Lab model.
Chairperson: CITY OF TURIN

16.30 – 18.00 PANEL 1 – City Lab: international experiences and models
Chairperson: Paola Pisano, City of Turin
Speakers: Zsuzsanna Bódi, Director ENoLL – European Network of Living Labs; Hanna Niemi Hugaerts, Program Director – IoT – Forum Virium Helsinki; Prof Giovanni Merlino Università di Messina; Francesco Molinari, Innovation Expert, Project Manager Designscapes “Design-enabled Innovation in Urban Environments”; Fernando Vilarino – Chair Enoll – Barcelona Library Living Lab

18.00 – 19.00 PANEL 2 – Turin’s City Lab: engaging the local ecosystem
Chairperson: Paola Pisano, City of Turin
Speakers: Luciano Albanese, Business Development and KSY Account – Sales Nord Ovest TIM; Robert Hausler, Manager Business Development & Innovations Mercedes-Benz Consulting; Massimo Martinotti, Head of Project Management IG/GT, Italdesign; Barbara Pralio, Technology Manager Torino Wireless; Emanuele Rossetti, CEO Makr Shakr (Carlo Ratti Associates); Fabio Sgaragli, Head of Innovation FGB; Lorenzo Vinci, Federal Commettee Executive Member Banca Etica
After the end – 21.00 Social Event

21 September (9:00 – 15:00)
FOURTH SESSION (Upon invitation only)
09.30 – 13.30 DIALOGUES
Chairperson: FGB
The fourth session of the Summit will be organised in 3 parallel workshops dedicated to specific topics. The goal of the dialogues is to spark new initiatives that can contribute to advance Turin’s capacity to be an entrepreneurial city. Each dialogue will start with a thematic input by the Chairs, and will continue with a highly interactive, facilitated discussion where “no one is an expert” and all participants contribute in equal ways to the outcome of the workshop. After the event an output will be produced summarising the key elements of the dialogues, the output will be published by FGB within its “Working Paper” series and promoted internationally.
New skills for new jobs
It is critical for social cohesion, for the sustainability of our social models and for stronger democratic institutions that rapid technological change is effectively managed so as to maximise the benefits and minimise the negative effects. This includes equipping our citizens at all ages with the tools and capacities to participate fully and successfully in the digital transformation. The workshop will analyse the impact of these developments and discuss options for new initiatives at the city level to respond to these challenges.
Keynote speaker: Cesare Onestini, Director ETF
CO-CHAIR: Terence Hogarth, Senior Adviser Fondazione G. Brodolini
CO-CHAIR: Jeffrey Brown
The City as a Lab
The distinctive feature of entrepreneurial cities is their function of promoting the capacities of their respective economic ecosystems in the face of intensified competition in the global economy. In this context, the city of Turin is promoting the creation of a new policy based on the “city as a lab” model, developing system conditions for attracting innovations that can be tested and scaled using the city as an experimental ground. The workshop will engage interested stakeholders that can support the city of Turin in designing and implemenring the policy.
CO-CHAIR: Paola Pisano, Città di Torino
CO-CHAIR: Fabio Sgaragli, Head of Innovation, Fondazione G. Brodolini
Connective ecosystems
Connecting ecosystems internationally can bring sustainability. Cross-border activities can include: connecting tech entrepreneurs with e.g. potential investors, business partners, accessing skills and services helping startups soft land in new international markets. The dialogue will bring together ecosystems builders and leaders who want to work to connect local tech startup ecosystems and support cross-border activities in the Mediterranean area. Particular focus will be placed on stimulating partnerships between scaleups and corporates with a view to procurement, mergers or acquisitions.
CO-CHAIR: Isidro Laso, Head of Startup Europe
CO-CHAIR: Fabrizio Porrino, Senior Vicepresident Affair FacilityLive
12.45 – 13.30: Dialogues report back and closing remarks
The closing session of the Summit will serve the purpose of reporting back on the dialogues’ outcomes and it will be the opportunity to draw general conclusions and share the lessons learned during the Summit.
Chairperson: CITY OF TURIN
Rapporteurs: Chair or co-chairs from each dialogue
13.30 – 15.00 NETWORKING LUNCH

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